How to Improve Productivity When Working from Home

How to be productive at home? Due to popular demand (okay, maybe just a few friendly nudges), we’re back with more handy working from home tips. If you enjoyed our previous post, you’re in luck! We’ve put together a complete guide for increasing productivity at home, and it’s right there before you, just a scroll away.

Among these productivity tips for working from home, you’ll uncover some fresh insights, coupled with an extended look at a few familiar topics from our previous blog post. This comprehensive guide will help you have the best time possible while working remotely - reaping the benefits and sidestepping the traps.

Can we boldly claim this is the only remote work guide you’ll ever need? We think so! Or, at least until the next global shift in workforce practices (which always seems to be just around the corner). Without further ado, let’s see how we can stay productive while working from home!

Chapter 1 - Before you Start/Morning Routine to Transition into Work Mindset

First things first - set your alarm and approach your work-from-home mornings with the same discipline as if you were heading to the office.

Morning Person Advantage - Leverage your morning energy if you’re an early riser. If you have a routine like yoga, jogging, or walking the dog, try to do it right before work to kickstart your day.

Not a morning person? Beware the snooze button! - If mornings aren’t your forte, we understand the allure of that snooze button. While you don’t have to rise at 6AM, delaying your work hours may bring short-term comfort but long-term misery. As tempting as it is to linger in bed after hitting the snooze button for the fifth time, the harsh truth is that postponing your work is, in essence, postponing your life.

Get Ready before Work - Resist the urge to turn on your computer “just to check something” before getting ready for the day. Before you realize it, it’s 3PM, you’re still in your pajamas, and the cat has given up those pleading glances next to the bowl.

Professional Appearance - Even if there are no video calls scheduled for the day, dress in something that makes you feel presentable - if only for yourself. These seemingly small rituals are powerful work from home strategies that help keep you in work mode and cultivate respect for yourself and your work.

Chapter 2 - Distractions

Coordinate With the Family - Inform your family about your work hours and kindly ask them not to disturb you unless necessary. If you have a designated home office, keep the door closed. An open door is often an invitation for a loved one to drop by. A closed door is a subtle, energy-preserving way of saying “not now, I’m busy”. Use it.

Routine Is Your Best Friend - Every workday, whether remote or not, is filled with unpredictabilities. A routine can serve as a stabilizing force while you manage the challenges of working from home. And it’s not just about having a schedule: consider developing a personal routine. To illustrate what we mean, let’s have a look at an example: Rafael Nadal’s bottle routine. Among other things, during his breaks, he takes exactly one sip from each of his two bottles and positions them in the same way, every time. In his own words, this is a way of placing himself in a match: ordering his surroundings to match the order he seeks in his head. Yes, routines might seem quirky to others, but things like listening to specific music only while working or changing the desktop background at the start of work hours can help some people get “in the zone”, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Your Brain Can Sometimes Be Your Worst Enemy - Now that the family is out of your hair and the door is closed, you stretch your fingers. Before you lean over to the keyboard, a thought crosses your mind: “After all, why not? Why shouldn’t I indulge in a tiny, mindless TikTok break?” Nope. Cut that thought in the bud. Your phone is a treasure trove of potential distractions, so if you can’t cast it into the Fires of Mount Doom, at least put it somewhere far, far away.

Chapter 3 - Physical Things

Necessary Tools and Supplies - Make sure all the tools and supplies you might need are within arm’s reach so you don’t waste time getting up and searching for them just when you feel most inspired and concentrated.

Declutter Your Desk - It does affect your mood; stop pretending it doesn’t. It will take 5 minutes or less. Clean workspace = clear mind.

Notebook and Pen - Who needs a notebook and pen when you can jot down ideas on your computer? We all do. A physical notepad with your handwriting will remind you that you had an idea or thought that something needed to be done. This is more powerful than people think.

Invest in Comfort and Focus - We don’t even need to explain why it’s necessary to get a comfortable chair that won’t cripple your back and why it’s important to guard your focus with any means necessary. Sound-canceling headphones can be a godsend.

Add Some Personal Touch - Keep an item that brings you joy on your desk. A plant, artwork or a photo of your dog with a birthday cap - anything that makes you happy and more relaxed when your eyes fall on it.

Chapter 4 - Abstract Things

Early Rising - For those who function best in the morning, early rising allows you to start your day with activities other than work, leading to a more calm and fresh mindset.

Longer Sleep - If you’re a night owl with flexible working hours, take advantage of one of the perks of remote work - the ability to sleep longer. But, maintain a schedule, whether you rise early or late. Respect your time.

The Pretending Game - Part 1: Mental Commute

Pretend you’re heading to the office while taking a shower, brushing your teeth, putting on makeup, or shaving. It sounds silly, sure, but it does boost energy and focus, making you feel more ready for work.

The Pretending Game - Part 2: Office-Like Structure

Structure your day similarly to how you would in an office. Eat lunch at the same time and try to incorporate light stretching and short walks to maintain steady energy levels.

Themed Work Days - Assign specific types of work to certain days of the week. For example, reserve Fridays for lighter tasks and tackle more intensive work on Mondays or Tuesdays. Naturally, customize it based on your preferences and weekly trends.

Prioritize Tasks Based on Your Energy Levels - Tackle demanding tasks during your peak energy hours and save easier ones for the afternoons (or mornings, if you’re not a morning person)!

We Overestimate What We Can Do in a Day - Set achievable weekly goals and try to accomplish them. In case you don’t manage to complete all tasks within the timeframe you predicted, don’t feel guilty! Carry them forward to next week. When you look back you’ll be proud of what you achieved in a month.

Pomodoro Technique - While not suitable for everyone, the Pomodoro Technique helps some people structure their workday. If you didn’t know, it’s a technique that breaks your work into focused intervals followed by short breaks. Less decision-making for you!

Take Full Breaks - During breaks, disconnect fully from work. Avoid thinking about tasks and allow your mind to recharge. It’s your time, and, after all, breaks help you regain focus once back at your desk.

Outdoor Breaks - Whenever possible, take breaks outdoors. Fresh air and a change of scenery will re-energize your mind and focus.

Chapter 5: Work-Life Balance

Don’t Constantly Check Your Emails - Set specific times to check emails, preventing constant distractions from your work.

Balance Household Chores - Consider doing household chores like laundry as a welcome break that also makes your life easier. Your washing machine cycle can be an alternative to the Pomodoro Technique even!

Prepare Meals in Advance - Meal decisions can be time-consuming. Prepare your meals in advance for a healthy and convenient option, eliminating the need for constant decision-making. If cooking isn’t your thing, plan your takeout choices in advance to save time.

Use Remote Work Perks! - You don’t like working from home? Try going to a cafe. Or a library. Or even a different country! Adjust your working hours based on your peak productivity times. Remember, companies usually value the quality of work more than when employees log in and log off.

Use Those Sick Days - “Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need: a remote worker who powers through a fever!” - said no one, ever. If you feel unwell, use a sick day, that’s what they’re for. Your health and well-being are not up for debate.

Chapter 6 -  Professional Development (Even Though You Work from Home!)

Coping With Challenging Days - It's not always sunshine and roses. Some days are challenging, for both you and your colleagues. Sometimes theirs is more challenging than yours, sometimes it's the other way around. Don’t be too hard on yourself or others.

Communicate - If there’s something on your mind don’t pretend it isn’t there. Don't be afraid to initiate clearing the air. Let others know (especially superiors) if there’s something you want clarified. This applies to asking for feedback as well. Seeking support is a sign of proactivity, not a lack of independence.

Prepare Ideas Ahead - Whether it's a one-on-one call or a regular meeting, jot down a few ideas ahead of virtual meetings. This is especially helpful for those who are Zoom-shy! It not only helps you feel more calm, but ensures you know which points to discuss without losing yourself in your thoughts while trying to put your message across.

Look for Training Opportunities - You’d be surprised how willing people are to help others learn what they know, or point them in the right direction. Besides, many companies now offer training and courses for their employees, so in addition to asking colleagues for help you can explore the opportunity to teach yourself something new.

Chapter 7 - Maintain Positivity

Keep a Friendly Tone - Use friendly language and consider adding emojis to add a touch of warmth and friendliness to your communication. Yes, we know adding emojis sounds stupid, and yes, it works.

Make Time for People - Actively schedule moments to sync up with your close colleagues. Whether through virtual coffee breaks, casual check-ins, or even life meetups (if everyone’s on board with the idea).

Say Thank You - Everyone appreciates being acknowledged for both their abilities and kindness. In the remote world, this holds even more significance. Take a moment to express your gratitude to those who make your work and life easier - it goes a long way.

Chapter 8: When You’re Done, You’re Done

Create a Short Routine - Develop a brief routine to signal the end of your workday to your brain. Consider making concrete plans after work, whether engaging in a hobby, spending time with loved ones or doing activities that make you happy.

Even Unwinding Activities Deserve a Spot in Your Schedule - Yes, this includes simple things like reading, exercising, or watching a movie. It’s easy to let chores consume all your free time, but remember to feed your soul and calm your system by indulging in activities you love.

Know When to Stop - Recognize when it’s time to stop working. Set limits to prevent burnout and maintain a sustainable work routine - if you struggle with it, ask your close ones to keep you in check.

Chapter 9: Conclusion

It appears we’re out of work from home tips! Well, not really, but all things must come to an end, including this blog post. So, let’s wrap up this work from home productivity guide!

When it comes to tips for working from home effectively, it’s not just about being more productive while working from home. It’s about both you being as efficient as possible but also about making remote work…work for you.

Let’s quickly recap. Whether you rise with the sun or prefer the tranquility of night, honor your morning routine - no hitting the snooze button more than once, and no checking emails before you brush your teeth.

Discipline is your ally against the relentless foes: distractions and procrastination. Experience breeds discipline, so resist the current and structure your day around peak productivity hours. Regular breaks are not indulgences but precious moments that help rejuvenate your mind.

Strive for personal growth at all times but also be pleasant to others and make them feel appreciated; we guarantee it will come back tenfold.

So here’s to unlocking the full potential of remote work! Be happy, and may your days be productive, your laundry clean, and your free time, free.


1. How can I stay productive while working from home?

Maintain a morning routine, optimize your workspace and take regular breaks. Try to prioritize tasks based on your energy, communicate positively and set boundaries with loved ones to stay productive.

2. Are remote workers happier?

Remote work provides flexibility and eliminates commuting stress but it has its challenges. While many people embrace the freedom it offers, others still struggle with remote work and prefer the routine of the office.

3. What are the highest paid remote jobs?

Some well-paying remote positions include software development, data science, digital marketing and consulting. However, salaries range significantly based on experience, expertise and the specific role. Check out RolesPilot's current opportunities to work in similar positions.

4. What percent of Americans work from home?

As of August of last year, 13% of full-time employees were fully remote, 30% were in a hybrid arrangement and 57% were full time on site. It is predicted that by 2025 as much as 22% of the total workforce will be working remotely.