Can HR Recruiters Also Nurture Good Employees?

“What do HR recruiters have to do with creating good employees?” you might be wondering.

Glad you asked.

Recruitment is the process of identifying a candidate who is a good fit for the role, and recruiters are often perceived as people who possess that ‘third eye’, magic, or knowledge to do so.

It’s true, recruiters also require skills to understand each candidate, their expertise, and motivation. However, great recruiters have the capacity to shape candidates as well.

And no! This is not some kind of a psychological trick; we're not talking about using mind control, or anything like that. Instead, it all boils down to two simple principles: respect and integrity.

Now, let me elaborate on this quickly.


The first step in being a respectful recruiter is approaching each candidate with a genuine interest in their professional journey so far. But, remember that respect can’t be faked - it’s either present or not.

In practice, this means that even if an HR recruiter has a different background from the candidate's, they should make an effort to really understand the position’s requirements, including the technical vocabulary that goes with it. Yes! As an HR recruiter, learn about those OOP principles and what the ‘MVC pattern’ is. Not to brag about your knowledge, but to understand the position’s requirements.

Making an effort to understand crucial areas of a candidate's expertise is a tangible way to show respect for their knowledge and skills. Similarly, organizing the recruitment process efficiently, so that it takes as little of the candidates’ time as possible, further emphasizes this respect.

By treating candidates with respect, recruiters contribute to shaping them as individuals who feel valued. They will have a fresh start in your company with a sense of personal worth and appreciation for their abilities, resulting in higher integrity.


Integrity is key. Integrity means sincerely and respectfully communicating your capacities, as well as your boundaries. A relationship based on trust and open communication is a sine qua non for a healthy employer-employee relationship.

Building integrity begins during the recruitment process when HR presents information about the company and its projects. This allows candidates to make an informed decision about whether to continue or withdraw from the recruitment process, thereby saving everyone’s time.

During the initial meeting with a candidate, the entire recruitment process, including its steps and deadlines, should be clearly explained. Respecting deadlines is crucial, and if there are any delays, candidates should be informed on time and provided with an apology.

A company that conducts recruitment with integrity, sets clear expectations for employees from the very start, earning their respect.


The dance of respect and integrity is what recruitment is all about. This way you go beyond relying on luck to find a perfect match.

By treating candidates with respect, we empower them to show their best qualities and shine throughout the recruitment process. This approach cultivates a sense of personal value and belonging. Moreover, maintaining integrity ensures that candidates, when they join the company, have already acquired the sense of what is expected of them, and thus are able to conform with these expectations without much wandering.

By conducting the recruitment process mindfully, we establish a solid foundation for a healthy working relationship right from the start.